I have had a soft spot in my head (or is that heart?) for the COSMAC ELF
ever since I first learned of it years ago. The wire-wrapped
construction, the front panel switches, the blinkenlights -- what's not
to love? We won't even mention the..."unusual"...architecture of the
CPU... :-)
COSMAC Proportions
Anyway...I managed to win a VCF-ELF kit
in the auction at VCFMW 11, so now this seems like the perfect project for
Retrochallenge 2016/10! I've done plenty of electronics projects in the
past, including retro computer builds. But, I've never done any
wire-wrapped builds until now. This should be fun...wish me luck!
Cool Runnings
In other news, I have taken-on the task of actually running the Retrochallenge 2016/10 event (and probably the future events as well). Don't worry, I won't declare myself the winner unless everyone else is just lame! Plus, Michael Mulhern from the Retro Computer Roundtable will be assisting in the judging duties -- I'm sure Michael will help to keep me honest... :-)